Full Moon Energy Healing in the EES

Join me at this Full Moon Group Healing Event on Saturday 20 July 2024 @ 6pm in the EES room at Soulibrium in Corrimal, where I will working with the EES to amplify your healing intentions, as well as doing some energy work on everyone as you lie there and relax in Soulibrium’s comfortable recliner chairs.

The energy work will be done at a quantum level, including across dimensions and timelines, so if you are ready to release what no longer serves you and be ready to make the changes to get you where you want to be, this is the session for you!

I will most likely make some sound during the session to assist in the clearing and healing and  may also place my hands on you at various points during the session.  You may experience heightened intuition, feel at peace, feel clearer and gain insights and clarity during this process.

If you would like to take advantage of the heightened energies of full moon, the EES and my energy work, I would love to see you there!

Tickets are $75 and spots are limited. Doors will be open from 5.30pm to come, say hi and get settled in before the Group Healing begins @ 6pm.

Here are the details:

  • Date: Saturday 20 July 2024
  • Time: 6pm – 7pm (doors open at 5.30pm and you will have time afterwards to decompress and chat)
  • Location: Soulibrium Wellness Center, Level 1, 94-98 Railway St, Corrimal NSW 2518 (in the Club Lime building, parking is available under the building, the driveway is to the right of the building if you’re looking at the entrance).

What is the EES?

The EES stands for Energy Enhancement System, which is a healing technology created by Dr Sandra Rose Michael, and uses a combination of colour, sacred geometry, numerology and physics to create an optimal environment for health.

The precise placement of the technology (you will see the computer screens in the picture below), creates a torus field which has been programmed at a certain frequency. Everything in nature has a torus field around it (even us humans), and it is this torus field that helps us keep functioning.

There is plenty of evidence out there which states that our environment can have a major impact on our own health. If our environment is full of things that stress us out (whether it’s physical, emotional, mental, etc), then that affects our health in a bad way. It then follows that an environment that promotes wellbeing and happiness, will affect our health for the better, and that’s what the EES provides. An analogy of this can be something that women experience all the time – how many of you have heard that when women work together in the same place, their menstrual cycles eventually sync up? It’s through the process of entrainment – and the EES helps to entrain your body and your cells to operate to their best ability.

The EES isn’t some sort of “woo woo” thing – in fact, the whole thing is backed by science, and there have been so many testimonials about the benefits of the technology it isn’t funny. I actually love being in the room as the energy is palpable, as are the sensations you feel in your body as you lie there for 1-2 hours. Imagine what you’d feel like if you had energy healing + the EES at the same time!