
Concussion and Craniosacral Therapy – Why it’s important to take head injuries seriously

As a massage therapist, I am very fortunate to be given the opportunity from time to time to massage professional sports teams like the Sydney Roosters. To be honest, before I received this opportunity, I didn’t follow NRL at all, but since then, I’ve been watching a lot more games (it also helps that my partner is a mad Penrith Panthers supporter), and the thing that strikes me the most is the amount of head injuries that the players sustain during the game.

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The importance of fascia and why you need to pay attention to it

A few months ago, I wrote a blog post on fascia and how fascial unwinding can be extremely beneficial to you. I wanted to expand on the concept of fascia this time around, just so that you can understand why it’s something that everyone needs to take a bit more seriously! As I have previously said, fascia is connective tissue that unifies your entire living system. It surrounds your entire being, from your body, to your muscles, and around your organs, cells, tissues and the various systems of the body. Fascia is also relatively fluid (until it “locks up” due to lack of movement or elasticity) so because of this is actually plays an incredibly important role in the structure of your body. Structure and function go hand in hand together, so the fascia in your body will organize itself depending on how you physically use your body (which in…

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headache neck pain massage craniosacral therapy services sydney cbd

‘Tis the season for …. a headache?

Christmas season has arrived and this means that life can get a bit crazy with finding the time to come up with ideas for Xmas presents for your loved ones who seem to have everything, shopping for the presents, and then let’s not even talk about what the Xmas dinner is going to look like (or who is going to prepare it)! During this time, I’ve found that, contrary to the expectation that work should be winding down for holidays, it gets busy, with everyone wanting everything done before Christmas so that they can all go for a break! Xmas is a prime time for stress – and a physical symptom of stress is sore/tight neck and shoulders (with this potentially leading to the development of migraines and headaches). Here’s a couple of ways you can try to alleviate the pain or reduce headaches: Massage the base of your skull…

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craniosacral therapy services sydney cbd

What is craniosacral therapy and why is it good for me?

Some of you may have heard the terms craniosacral therapy and biodynamic craniosacral therapy floating around. However, what exactly is it and why is it beneficial for you? In today’s post, I try to explain the difference between the therapies and the science behind it so that it can be readily understood. Underpinning any form of craniosacral therapy is the belief that your own body has all of the tools it needs to heal. Essentially, the body has an inherent intelligence that constantly keeps your system running. So how can we tap into this inherent intelligence? To explain this, I will need to give you a quick anatomy lesson featuring the nervous system in plain English! The body’s nervous system Our body is split into two main nervous systems – the central nervous system (CNS) and the autonomic nervous system (ANS). The CNS controls our overall body and our mind.…

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