Why you are probably stressed out and don’t realise it

If I asked you, “are you stressed?”, how many of you will say “not me”? When I was a lawyer, I wouldn’t think I was stressed out because it was just part and parcel with what I did – I had to handle client demands, I had to put up with micromanagement from my bosses, I had to learn and apply areas of law that were not my specialty area, and I had to learn how to manage people. It was the only life I knew and therefore I just had to put up with it. I knew no other alternative.

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What effect does work have on your health?

This month I’m going to change the focus on health slightly from the physical to the emotional/mental side of things. As a massage therapist and energy healer, I really believe that health needs to be looked at from a holistic perspective and it is only then that we can start to make changes to our lives for the better. If we are to look at our lives currently, the majority of us can split it into three components – work, home/personal/family and social. I bet that for many of you, work takes up a good chunk of your day, and the other two components battle it out to share the little portion that is left. Given that we spend a lot of our lives working, it is important to actually be in a job that you like, you have a passion for, and that makes your heart sing. If you…

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Welcome to 2018 – A great time to make a change

Goodbye to 2017 and welcome to the beginning of 2018! Whilst I’m not the biggest believer in new year’s resolutions (i.e. I believe that we can consciously choose to make a change at any point in time and not necessarily just at the beginning of the year), the start of the year is a good focus point for sitting back and thinking “what could I do to make my life better?”. A good way to start this process is to do a personal stocktake – not just of our physical things, but also of our own patterns, beliefs and thought forms.  So how do we do this? Physical de-cluttering De-cluttering is a great process to go through to get rid of the old and make way for the new. From a physical perspective, it’s pretty easy. Go through your wardrobe, cupboards, pantry, etc and ask yourself whether you really need…

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headache neck pain massage craniosacral therapy services sydney cbd

‘Tis the season for …. a headache?

Christmas season has arrived and this means that life can get a bit crazy with finding the time to come up with ideas for Xmas presents for your loved ones who seem to have everything, shopping for the presents, and then let’s not even talk about what the Xmas dinner is going to look like (or who is going to prepare it)! During this time, I’ve found that, contrary to the expectation that work should be winding down for holidays, it gets busy, with everyone wanting everything done before Christmas so that they can all go for a break! Xmas is a prime time for stress – and a physical symptom of stress is sore/tight neck and shoulders (with this potentially leading to the development of migraines and headaches). Here’s a couple of ways you can try to alleviate the pain or reduce headaches: Massage the base of your skull…

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