Lion’s Gate Online Group Healing

Join me online for an hour group healing taking advantage of the potent energies that are available to us all on 8 August 2024 at 11am AEST.

The Lion’s Gate portal is regarded as a potent energetic gateway as the star Sirius lines up with the sun in Leo. The energy of the number 8 (abundance, success, karma, balance, power, death and rebirth) are TRIPLED this August (another 😎 as 2024 is an 8 year.

So take advantage of this important date to clear karmic debt ready to be released, as well as set you up for manifesting your desires.

This is an online event held via Zoom. The healing will go for approximately an hour with 1/2 hr at the end to debrief and ask questions. You are free to sign off once the healing is complete if you do not wish to stay for the debrief.

Once you purchase your spot, you will be sent an email separately within 24 hours with the Zoom login details and other information to help you get the best out of the healing.

A recording will be available for participants post event for a week.