Just let it all out! Why suppressing your emotions is not the best for your overall health

How many of us feel like the person in the picture above? How many of us bottle our emotions inside until it gets to a point where we can’t hold it in anymore and then we just completely explode? Most of us are brought up to believe that expressing our emotions is a bad thing. This is particularly true in the corporate world, because in order to climb the ladder, the gist of making it up there is that “being emotional won’t get the business done” or “you need to take the emotion out of it in order to make a good decision“.

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The importance of fascia and why you need to pay attention to it

A few months ago, I wrote a blog post on fascia and how fascial unwinding can be extremely beneficial to you. I wanted to expand on the concept of fascia this time around, just so that you can understand why it’s something that everyone needs to take a bit more seriously! As I have previously said, fascia is connective tissue that unifies your entire living system. It surrounds your entire being, from your body, to your muscles, and around your organs, cells, tissues and the various systems of the body. Fascia is also relatively fluid (until it “locks up” due to lack of movement or elasticity) so because of this is actually plays an incredibly important role in the structure of your body. Structure and function go hand in hand together, so the fascia in your body will organize itself depending on how you physically use your body (which in…

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What effect does work have on your health?

This month I’m going to change the focus on health slightly from the physical to the emotional/mental side of things. As a massage therapist and energy healer, I really believe that health needs to be looked at from a holistic perspective and it is only then that we can start to make changes to our lives for the better. If we are to look at our lives currently, the majority of us can split it into three components – work, home/personal/family and social. I bet that for many of you, work takes up a good chunk of your day, and the other two components battle it out to share the little portion that is left. Given that we spend a lot of our lives working, it is important to actually be in a job that you like, you have a passion for, and that makes your heart sing. If you…

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What causes knee pain? (and no it’s not old age)

One of the common complaints I get from my clients in clinic is in relation to knee pain. The knee pain can be anywhere – on the side of the knee, the back or front of the knee or below the knee. It can also range from just annoying to debilitating. There are a number of non-muscular causes for knee pain including bursitis, arthritis, a cyst in the knee (known as Baker’s cyst) or Osgood-Schlatter’s disease. However, I’m not a doctor or a physiotherapist so this article is really going to focus on the muscular (and structural) causes of knee pain. Muscles directly connected to the knee cap The muscles that attach to the knee cap are the quadriceps (i.e. the quads) – the main muscles at the front of your thigh. From a connective tissue perspective, the iliotibial band (i.e. the ITB, which is situated on the outside of…

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