Hi, my name is Diana Nguyen, a shamanic practitioner and intuitive healer, mother, mentor and normal human being. Thanks for being interested in wanting to know a bit more about me!

I was born and grew up in Wollongong, Australia, as the daughter of Catholic Vietnamese refugees. My parents made a tough decision when they were only 20, to escape Vietnam by boat in order to give themselves a shot at a better life. I was always told that I was lucky to be here, and to be successful and have a good life, I needed to become a doctor, a dentist or a lawyer and make lots of money. Money = happiness.
As a kid, all I wanted to do was to please my parents and to meet their expectations. So I chose to study law, graduated and eventually wound up as a commercial lawyer. Back then I knew I would be a different lawyer – I hated the concept of billable hours, I didn’t like the idea of working crazy hours a day, and I certainly didn’t like the fact that the legal profession seemed to be one where you made it because of your connections.
So I worked hard, had a lot of ups and downs, and eventually made it. I made it, but I didn’t feel fulfilled, I didn’t feel happy… and I was really frustrated at myself that I didn’t know WHY I felt like that.
The a-ha moment
During my time as a lawyer, I became a client of an amazing chiropractor who practiced kinesiology. In one session, she changed me. People started to comment that I seemed different but couldn’t put their finger on what. This made me start a journey of self-discovery, and I became obsessed with learning more about the human body, and how for some reason, I felt there was MORE to us than we could see, but I couldn’t explain what it was. I became so passionate about it, it wasn’t funny.
That took me to a remedial massage therapist who practiced biodynamic craniosacral therapy. Through those treatments, I started to question the meaning of life and what I was here for. It was in one of those treatments that I had the lightbulb moment – my purpose in this life was to help people heal themselves because I knew first hand that we had the power to do so. So I resolved to become a massage therapist and biodynamic craniosacral therapist.
Then came the energy stuff…

Having made that big decision, I went home and threw out all of my law books. I went to sleep, and the next day, I woke up and felt this tremendous amount of energy that was pulsating out of my palms. It was so strong that I actually could not lift my arms off the bed!
I freaked out. What the heck was I feeling?! Why is it so strong? Who can I talk to, what can I read to understand what is going on with me? Am I going crazy?!
I started practicing massage on people and during sessions, I would start to feel things that I usually shouldn’t be feeling. It was all my client’s emotions and issues that I was feeling, and I was really confused as to how I could actually feel what was going on with people even though I wasn’t touching them. I would also massage someone and remove their issue, but then wake up the next day feeling the client’s problem in my body!
To try to understand what this was, I began studying the Diploma of Energy Healing, and halfway through that course I found myself at a shamanic healing retreat. It was here that major transformations occurred. Not only did I have healings on many aspects of my life – from the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual, but I also made the realization that what I was doing in terms of “energy healing” were shamanic techniques. The more I continued down the track of shamanic healing, the more I realized that my true essence was that of a shamanic practitioner.. the walker and bridge between the world of the unseen and the seen, and a channeller of information and medicine. It’s hard to describe but the best way I can put it is that I found my calling.
How I can help you
The shamanic journey never ends because it is a way of being really. It’s about understanding and knowing that we are connected to everything, and the fact that we are sooo much more than we have been taught to believe we are. Whilst I’m still on this process of self discovery and learning (it never really ends, and you don’t know what you don’t know), what I do know is that my purpose is here to help you through your own process of healing – be it physical, emotional, mental or spiritual. I’m here to help you bridge that gap between the physical and the non-physical, to help you discover your true essence and potential, making you realise heaven on earth.
I do this by empowering you with tools and wisdom, and providing you with the space to allow your own inherent healing abilities to come to the fore. Let’s be clear though, YOU are the healer of yourself, not me. I just help open you up to be able to achieve your potential.
If you managed to read all of that, thank you for your patience, and I can’t wait to work with you in the future.
- Accredited Shamanic Healing Practitioner
- Registered Craniosacral Biodynamics Therapist (RCST)
- Diploma of Energy Healing
- Diploma of Remedial Massage
- Certificate IV Massage Therapy
- CST 1 & 2
- Transformative Meditation Facilitator’s Certificate
- Bachelor of Computer Science/Bachelor of LLB