Energy Recharge Bundle with Soulibrium

I’ve teamed up with @soulibrium to offer a wonderful energy healing bundle for you all!

The Energy Recharge Bundle includes:
* 1 x 2 hour session in the Energy Enhancement System; and
* 1 x 60 min session (face to face or online) with me,

for a grand total of $199! Given that a usual 2 hr EES session is $150 and a 1 hr session with me is $160, you’re pretty much saving $111!

Personally, I believe that the EES technology is brilliant, and I have been able to feel the benefits each time I have been in it. For me, my cells are energised (my husband says when I come home I am very buzzy) and each session in the EES is different – sometimes I am clearing stuff, other times I am physically unwinding tension in my body, others I receive new psychic insights, receiving energetic upgrades, etc. I have my son in there weekly to assist with his wound healing. My husband enjoys it too and has commented to me that he feels the energy within the room is extremely powerful.

This is one of the reasons I chose to work from the Centre – my purpose is to empower you to unlock and rediscover your true potential, and doing my healing services in the frequency of the system has been a real game changer. Not only do you receive the benefit of the frequencies of the EES when you’re working with me, having a healing session within the space really gives you the best chance at working through whatever it is that you are going through.

Terms and conditions apply when you book the bundle, and you can book it here:

You will receive an email confirmation with instructions how to redeem the session with me.

I’m looking forward to working with you when you feel called. Let’s take healing to the next quantum level!