Introducing Monthly Group Space Clearings

Is your home or space in need of an energetic refresh? Negative and stagnant energies can accumulate in your space and home, making it feel heavy and draining. This can especially be so if you or the occupants have been stressed out, there has been illness and/or there has been a lot of energetic activity over the previous month or so.

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Remembering Lemuria In Person Event

Have you been feeling the call of ancient highly spiritual civilisations such as Lemuria & Atlantis and been wanting to connect but not sure where to start? Have you been hearing the call of the ancient dragons and mermaids and does your heart and soul yearn for a time where everything and everyone worked together in harmony with nature and each other?

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Lion’s Gate Online Group Healing

Join me online for an hour group healing taking advantage of the potent energies that are available to us all on 8 August 2024 at 11am AEST. The Lion’s Gate portal is regarded as a potent energetic gateway as the star Sirius lines up with the sun in Leo. The energy of the number 8 (abundance, success, karma, balance, power, death and rebirth) are TRIPLED this August (another as 2024 is an 8 year.

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